ISO/IEC 17065 Accredited Product Certification Services

Compatible Electronics has been accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) (Accreditation ID # 0567), designated by NIST and appointed by the Federal Communications Commission, FCC, to serve as a TCB (Telecommunications Certification Body). Please visit our certification section for information on how to start the process of getting an FCC grant for you Radio Frequency or Telecommunication Terminal device.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) implemented the TCB system in 2000. Prior to the implementation of this system wireless products were required to be certified derectly with the FCC. This usually meant waiting several months for an approval to sell your product. As an appointed TCB, Compatible Electronics TCB (CETCB) can certify these types of products, in most cases, within a few days, but typically in less than two weeks.

Accredited by ANAB. Designated by NIST. Appointed by the FCC.


After obtaining accreditation from one of the NIST-recognized domestic TCB accreditation bodies, a candidate TCB shall submit to NIST for designation. NIST will review the information provided for completeness and then designate the organization to the FCC as a TCB.

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The use of a trademark does not indicate endorsement of the holder by Compatible Electronics, nor vice versa.

“CETCB personal cannot offer consulting and/or design services while at the same time provides TCB services.  If clients want to obtain these services Compatible Electronics, Inc. can submit your project to a third party TCB”

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