We can accommodate any project scope. Whether you have the need for FDA submission Approval, NRTL certification, European Low Voltage Directive (LVD) compliance, Australia/New Zealand (AS/NZS) compliance, International (IEC) or to satisfy internal production control requirements, our Product Safety testing services can meet your needs.
If you're looking for UL or CSA or NRTL test compliance, we can help with that. Our product safety engineers can perform the necessary preliminary scans, schedule the project with your preferred safety agency, and see the project through to completion. In many cases Product Safety testing that is performed in our lab will not need to be repeated. Our expert Product Safety engineers can spot potential issues before they become a problem, avoiding costly stops and starts and project delays, and avoiding repeated and unnecessary product safety testing.
Our Product Safety testing laboratories comply with domestic and international standards related to Product Safety testing facilities. We are an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited company (Accreditation Body is also an ILAC Signatory).
Helping your company achieve product safety standards
Compatible Electronics has years of experience testing products in accordance with various product safety testing standards, such as
In addition to these, we provide testing and evaluation on devices to the various international harmonized safety standards. We also can provide device safety standards non harmonized when working with an NRTL Safety Agency like Nemko, UL, CSA, TUV, ETL, and SGS. We do a lot more. Please contact us for more information.
One of our biggest strengths is our ability to assist clients in the safety testing process from start to finish.
Once we help a client identify where they would like to market their products, our team will work with them to determine which safety/certification marks they need. The Compatible Electronics team will then prepare a test plan to meet all respective testing and certification standards and requirements. By choosing Compatible Electronics, your company will save time and money for a smoother product safety certification experience.
Safety solutions for a global marketplace
In today’s market, getting your product to international buyers is vital for profitability. The company you choose for product safety testing plays a critical role in overcoming various regulatory restrictions when selling to overseas markets.
Compatible Electronics has the knowledge and experience to offer various testing and certification services, such as ISO/IEC 17025 accredited testing services and ISO/IEC 17065 accredited product certification services. In addition to comprehensive testing and certification services, we also provide a full range of support services to help your company determine any specific international requirements. If needed, our team can also perform pre-testing to expedite the approval process.
Key focus areas
The electronic manufacturing industry has particular safety standards and end-user expectations. Managing the individual factors associated with electronic safety testing requires specialized equipment and years of expertise. Industry- and market-specific testing must consider usability concerns and regulatory requirements. At Compatible Electronics, our advanced testing capabilities allow us to meet your certification requirements and adapt our testing procedures to deliver the most value based on your client company size and group memberships.
To deliver the best service possible, we emphasize the following key focus areas of our product safety testing services:
Involving all staff in ongoing quality improvement
Building knowledgeable quality assurance teams with technical backgrounds
Establishing integrated teamwork in all functional areas and organizational levels
Training all staff to handle their job responsibilities appropriately
Device Safety Symbols and Instructions
Many devices marketed today are required to be constructed and designed to meet specific product environments and purposes. An aspect of compliance which can be overlooked or forgotten is the application of the device symbols (IEC 60417) and written Instructions (User Manual).
The safety of a device and compliance may require specific symbols and statements on the enclosure and specific wording to be included in the User Manual. These symbols and statements identify the features a device may have, which sometimes if not present can mean delay in Certification or an actual hazard.
Let the engineers at Compatible Electronics help review what markings the device may have on the enclosure and advise on appropriate markings based on the specific clauses in the Safety Standards. In addition to reviewing the enclosure markings, we also can review the Device Instructions (User manual) and assist in ensuring appropriate wording or instructions are included. Even if you have never done this before, let us help you start.
Get started with our product safety testing services today!
For over 30 years, Compatible Electronics has helped electronic manufacturers and developers meet their market windows. With origins in VDE and FCC testing at our laboratory in Brea, California, we have evolved into one of California's largest and most experienced consulting and testing organizations. Due to our many years of experience in product safety compliance testing, we are keenly aware of your needs.
Our staff of accredited lab engineers and NARTE-certified EMC engineers have experience solving compliance problems for a wide assortment of products. To discuss your testing and compliance needs in detail with a team member, please complete our online contact form. For product safety testing, you can also call us at our Lake Forest facility (949-587-0400) today!
Compliance Testing Services
EMI and EMC Compliance Testing
Wireless Device Compliance Testing
Product Safety Testing
IEC 60601-1: Safety for Medical Electrical Equipment
IEC 60204-1: Product Safety for Electrical Machinery
IEC 60335-1: Safety for Household & Similar Electrical Appliances
IEC 61010-1: Electric Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use
IEC 62368-1: A/V, information, & Communication Technology Equipment
By Product Family Standard
By Generic Standards